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王金霞、黄季焜和Scott Rozelle发表的关于气候变化与中国农业的文章

    While agriculture receives considerably less attention than China’s energy and manufacturing sectors, the Platform Paper “Climate Change and China’s Agricultural Sector-An Overview of Impacts,Adaptation and Mitigation.pdf” by Jinxia Wang, Jikun Huang and Scott Rozelle clarifies that it is not an insignificant source of emissions. Agriculture accounts for more than 15 percent of China’s total greenhouse gas emissions, nearly 90 percent of nitrous oxide emissions, and 60 percent of methane emissions. Excessive fertilizer use is not only fueling a major portion of the nitrous oxide emissions but also contributes to water pollution. “Yet there are important climate change mitigation opportunities in agriculture,” adds author and IPC member Jikun Huang, Director of the Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, “for example through carbon sequestration and the adoption of production methods that reduce emissions.”

The paper also indicates that the potential impact of climate change on agricultural production and prices in China could have significant implications for not only the domestic market, but also for international markets, due to the sheer size of China’s domestic demand for agricultural products.