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Call for papers: UNU-WIDER Conference on Climate Change and Development Policy, Helsinki, 28-29 September 2012

Climate change poses a major challenge for developing countries. Despite growing evidence to support low-carbon and climate-resilient strategies, many countries have yet to mainstream climate change within their national development plans. Bridging the gap between climate research and development policy is crucial. The UNU-WIDER conference on ‘Climate Change and Development Policy’ aims to reflect the diverse range of perspectives on how to balance climate and development objectives. The conference will evaluate how research can inform development policy and identify existing knowledge gaps. Researchers and policy makers will be brought together to advance knowledge of development and climate change.

The conference focuses on both low-carbon development (mitigation) and climate-resilient strategies (adaptation). Emphasis is given to studies that (i) link climate change to socioeconomic outcomes and identify policy responses, and (ii) evaluate how adaptation and/or mitigation policies influence development processes and policies. Regional, country and sectoral studies are welcome, as are analyses that consider uncertainty in future climate outcomes.

The conference is intended primarily for researchers and policy makers. Participants from developing countries are particularly encouraged. All participants may be requested to serve as discussants.

Submission procedure
Those interested in presenting original research are invited to submit an extended abstract of 1-2 pages by 10 June 2012. Please complete the online application form at 
www.wider.unu.edu/climate2012, and attach your abstract and CV. All submissions will be reviewed and authors will be informed of the outcome by 30 June 2012. In the case of accepted abstracts, full papers will be required by 31 August 2012.

Others wishing to attend without presenting (e.g., PhD students, policy makers, journalists) should also complete the online application form and briefly explain (under ‘Remarks’) their interest in the conference and attach their CV.

Publication opportunities
Accepted papers will be considered for publication in the UNU-WIDER Working Paper series, and possibly in a Conference Proceedings. UNU-WIDER is also planning a special journal issue on ‘Climate Change in the Middle East and North Africa’. Please indicate upon submission whether you would like your paper to be considered for publication in either the Conference Proceedings or the special issue.

Financial support
For accepted participants, UNU-WIDER will cover accommodation and meals of one person per presented paper during the conference period. Subject to UN procedures, travel expenses to and from Helsinki can also be covered for some participants, with preference given to those from developing countries. There is no conference fee.

The conference will be held in English. Simultaneous translation will not be available.
