- 2011-11-30 茶点学术报告系列之四十二
- 2011-03-04 茶点学术报告系列之四十一
- 2010-10-09 茶点学术报告系列之四十
- 2010-06-28 茶点学术报告系列之三十九
- 2010-06-14 龚亚珍博士《Individual Social Interactions, Village Institutions and Rural Villagers’Mutual Trust》-- 中心茶点学术报告之三十七
- 2009-12-03 Dr. YU SHENG《Identifying Turning-point of Productivity Growth in Australian Broadacre Industry》-- 中心茶点学术报告之35
- 2009-03-13 Restrain or Release: Fiscal Reform, Incentives and Fiscal Health in China’s Rural Towns
- 2009-02-24 Standard Driven Rural Development:A General Equilibrium Model with Market Imperfections
- 2009-02-24 Fiscal Decentralization,Water Resource Management and the Distribution of Local Irrigation Infrastructure in Rural Northern China
- 2009-02-24 Locational Amenities, Increasing Returns and Regional Development
- 2009-02-24 Pressure Cookers or Pressure Valves? Do Roads Lead to a Decline or Improvement in Forest Quality in China
- 2009-01-20 国际著名学者学术报告系列之三十九