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English Papers
- 2021-10-08 [EJ-21-2] Dietary diversity and mental health in preschoolers in rural China
- 2021-03-31 [EJ-21-1] Cotton revolution and widow chasity in Ming and Qing China
- 2021-09-29 [EJ-20-60] Impacts of COVID-19 on agriculture and rural poverty in China
- 2021-09-29 [EJ-20-59] The competence of village clinicians in the diagnosis and management of childhood epilepsy in Southwestern China and its determinants: A cross-sectional study
- 2021-03-31 [EJ-20-58] Technical and environmental efficiency of livestock farms in China: a slacks-based DEA approach
- 2021-03-31 [EJ-20-57] The role of exotic wheat germplasms in wheat breeding and their impact on wheat yield and production in China
- 2021-03-31 [EJ-20-56] Climate Change Impacts on China's Agriculture: The Responses from Market and Trade
- 2022-03-01 [EJ-20-55] Stuck in Place? A Field Experiment on the Effects of Reputational Information on Student Evaluations
- 2021-03-31 [EJ-20-54] Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on rural poverty and policy responses in China
- 2021-03-31 [EJ-20-53] The competence of village clinicians in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease in rural China: A nationally representative assessment
- 2021-03-31 [EJ-20-52] The Impacts of Highly Resourced Vocational Schools on Student Outcomes in China
- 2021-03-31 [EJ-20-51] IndependentreadinginruralChina’selementaryschools:Amixed-methods analysis
- 2021-03-31 [EJ-20-50] The impact of climate change on the labor allocation: Empirical evidence from China
- 2021-03-31 [EJ-20-49] Does the application of ICTs facilitate rural economic transformation in China? Empirical evidence from the use of smartphones among farmers
- 2021-03-31 [EJ-20-48] Dietary diversity and mental health in preschoolers in rural China
- 2020-09-11 [EJ-20-47] The Millennium droughts and Australian agricultural productivity performance: A nonparametric analysis
- 2020-09-11 [EJ-20-46] Climate change and farmers’ perceptions: impact on rubber farming in the upper Mekong region
- 2020-09-11 [EJ-20-45] What constrains mechanization in Chinese agriculture? Roles of farm size and fragmentations
- 2020-09-11 [EJ-20-44] Assessing sustainability of soybean supply in China: Evidence from provincial production and trade data
- 2020-09-11 [EJ-20-43] School Quality and Peer Effects: Explaining Differences in Academic Performance between China’s Migrant and Rural Students