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Chinese Papers
- 2009-03-06 [CJ-96-8]“Infectious Disease Model ” Applied in Technology Dissemination
- 2009-03-06 [CJ-96-7]Production Potential, Consumption and Trade of Rice in China
- 2009-03-06 [CJ-96-6] China’s Agricultural R& D System Reform and Policies
- 2009-03-06 [CJ-96-5]An Overview of the Theory of Farm Household Economics
- 2009-03-06 [CJ-96-4]The Evidences Concerning the Grain Balance Between Supply and Demand and Policy in China
- 2015-02-11 [CJ-96-3]Egg Production in Beijing: An Econometric Analysis
- 2009-03-06 [CJ-96-2] China’s Grain Problem in the 21st Century
- 2009-03-06 [CJ-96-1]China's Food Economy to the 21st Century: Retrospect and Prospect